What is the Bahá'í Faith?

Who are the Bahá’ís?

Bahá’ís are present all over the globe – including in Alabama! Their primary aim is to foster unity and justice among all peoples of the world. They view humankind as one, religions as spiritually equal, and they believe that there is only one God.

Bahá’ís see the revelation of Bahá'u'lláh (“the Glory of God”) as the latest in a continual succession of Divine Messengers -- such as Moses, Buddha, Krishna, Jesus, Muhammad, and Zoroaster – who are like teachers in the “school of God,” with messages that are tailored to the social needs and conditions of different times and places but which contain the same underlying spiritual principles.

There are many Bahá’í teachings – such as the equality of man and woman, universal education, and others. Some of the most frequently cited principles include:

The oneness of mankind.

Universal peace upheld by a world government.

Independent investigation of truth.

The common foundation of all religions.

The essential harmony of science and religion.

Equality of men and women.

Elimination of prejudice of all kinds.

Universal compulsory education.

A spiritual solution to the economic problem.

A universal auxiliary language.

To learn more about the Baha’i Faith, please visit www.bahai.us or call 1-800-22-UNITE.

The Baha’is of Montgomery, AL

Reflecting the universality of their faith, the Baha’is of Montgomery, AL include natives, as well as members from across the country, and from abroad, including from Europe and Africa. Since Baha’is have no clergy, they are responsible for their own spiritual development. However, they annually elect a “Local Spiritual Assembly,” which administers and represents the community as a whole. Since Bahá’ís also believe in the independent search for truth, we do not proselytize. We are, however, delighted to collaborate with others – including in the four areas of current focus in Montgomery (see stars below) – and to answer any questions members of the public may have.

More recently, public Baha’i events have been focused on race unity (which Baha’is consider vital), and on the spiritual development of youth and children. Since they believe in the spiritual equality of humankind. it is no surprise that local Baha’is often take an active role in interfaith activities. They have done so for many years in both interfaith and secular settings — such as through involvement with the Leadership-Montgomery-led Interchange community development effort.

In spring 2022 the Baha’is of Montgomery organized an outreach-oriented community-based development conference and they sponsored a lecture on “Race Unity, a Spiritual Imperative.” In the summer, a 2-month interfaith youth spiritualization training took place, an award-winning YMCA program for unity through the arts took place, and local Baha’is assisted with a “Faith Through the Art summer camp for children. In the fall, Baha’is organized several public events, including one highlighting “Race Unity in and by the Baha’i community.”


WHAT IS “RACE UNITY DAY”  Race Unity Day is intended as a celebration of the fundamental oneness of humankind. It is a call to people of all “races” to join forces to honor, promote, and share in that oneness. Originally called “Race Amity Day,” Race Unity Day has been observed annually around the globe on the second Sunday in June since 1957. Although it was created by the US Bahá’í National Spiritual Assembly, the observance is intended for any person, group, institution, or society that supports the underlying equality of the human race and that wishes to advocate for the elimination of practices and prejudices that inhibit progress toward the establishment of a just, peaceful and prosperous society.  This year (2024), it falls on June 9th.


Sunday, June 11th at OAK PARK,

(noon to 3:00)

The event is open: please feel free to join!

2023RSVP to the Secretary, Ms. Eileen Knott, 334-467-5060 or Lsaofmontgomery@gmail.com

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